Team Development

Case Study -Team Development

We've helped build and develop successful teams in hospitality, precision engineering, fashion retail, construction materials, security, food processing, financial services, health care and more.

Team Development (Refocussing on objectives)

Whether it's helping a struggling team to overcome a blockage, or a busy team to refocus on key objectives, we help move things on towards positive change.

THE BRIEF: to help a leadership team in fashion retail to break from their over-busy work lives and evaluate together how to be more focused and effective, and let go of non-essential activities.

For team members to:
  • Revisit corporate culture and vision - reminding themselves what makes their company unique - and then to evaluate their own current priorities in this context.
  • Use the Goal Achievement Process to agree a plan of action for meeting these goals, identifying roles and responsibilities.
  • Develop self-awareness and a deeper understanding of each other as colleagues
  • Build relationships and trust, thereby accelerating team performance


The programme was run over 2 days, away from the work environment, and included the following workshops:
  1. A creative session to redefine corporate vision and produce a draft document in summary
  2. The Goal Achievement Process (GAP) : - agreeing objectives - effective planning - identifying key responsibilities - a strategy for monitor, review and adaptation - communication to all stakeholders
  3. Saying 'No' constructively.
  4. Effective Delegation.
Following the two day event, a monthly team review meeting was established to revisit the course issues and to officially monitor progress towards the objective: working smarter, not harder.
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